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Reception of the Farming Simulator series has been mixed across all titles, with critics praising its sense of relaxation and array of realistic machinery and vehicles. Some have criticised the games for their repetition and lack of interesting mechanics, while others argue such qualities should be expected in a simulator. Though the series targets the audience that are knowledgeable in the farming industry, the series is generally liked by both farmers and non-farmers alike.
Technical Abstract: Gully erosion contributes large amounts of sediment within watersheds and gullies incise landscape into fractured patches on the Loess Plateau of China. As one of the main processes of channel development, gully widening occupies as much as 80% of total soil loss, especially in the presence of a less erodible soil layer. Our knowledge on channel widening is still limited due to the fact that most theories on bank failure are based upon river bank expansion mechanisms. Simulated scouring experiments were designed to investigate how inflow rate, slope gradient and initial channel width affects channel widening processes. Mechanisms of channel bank failure were analyzed. Soil boxes (2.0 m-long, 0.3 m-wide and 0.5 m-deep) with two slope gradients (15 and 20), four inflow rates (1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 L min-1) and two initial channel widths (4 and 8 cm) were subjected to simulated rainstorms followed by clear-water overland flow. A down sprinkler rainfall simulator system and constant-head water tank were used to apply the pre-rain and scouring simulations, respectively. The results showed that sediment delivery and channel width increased with increased flow discharge, bed slope and initial channel width decrease. Toe scour, crack development, bank failure and block transport were the four main processes of channel widening. Except for basal scour depth, other indicators including basal scour depth, arc length, tension crack length, width and their rates increased with time, flow discharge, bed slope and initial channel width decrease. Normal, surface and reverse are three modes of basal scour arcs observed in this study. Crack lengthening rate was the best indicator to describe channel widening and sediment delivery, while basal scour arc length was the best indicator to predict unit sediment delivery.